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Keine Aggrobuffs für Tanks :/

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Keine Aggrobuffs für Tanks :/ Empty Keine Aggrobuffs für Tanks :/

Beitrag  Giru So Apr 04, 2010 6:27 pm

Wie jeder der mal einen Tank gespielt hat,wird gemerkt haben das in dem ein oder anderem Raid man dochmal die Aggro geklaut bekommt...da dieses Problem nun schon länger besteht und sich viele Fragen ob das irgendwann einmal gebufft wird bzw. so geändert das die Diskrepanz zwischen DMG Aggro und Tank Aggro abgeschafft wird,hier die Antwort:

Zitat von Metharian (Warlock)
"Has anyone else been having immense aggro issues in ICC? I imagine some classes suffer from this more than others, obviously. I raid as affliction and recently tried speccing into Improved Drain Soul for the aggro reduction and found that it does absolutely nothing. That probably has something to do with Aff's main nuke not being included in Improved Drain Soul. I still pull up to 10k - 11k TPS when I get a great string of crits. It's worst in 10 mans when there aren't Misdirects and TotTs available, or if the caster buffs are stronger than the melee buffs.

Without belaboring the point... Watching aggro is not fun, especially if you're a class whose only option is to stop dpsing while your aggro dump is on CD. (My friend a boomkin has the same issue)

At the same time, I realize that buffing tank threat so that no one could ever pull off them is also not interesting. Threat should *matter* but a tank with equal gear should be able to hold aggro without misdirects or totts.

I know that Blizzard has acknowledged this as a problem, I'm more interested if we're going to have to wait until Cataclysm until anything is done about it."

und die Antwort des GM dazu:
You need to look at the specific situations in which it's actually happening. We don't see a lot of people pulling off of tanks on single-target fights say 30 seconds into the fight. That is even more true if you make use of Tricks or Misdirect.

Where it does happen is in the first few seconds of a fight or new adds coming to a fight or sometimes if you're AE'ing a large group and the tank can't generate threat on everything.

And yes, threat needs to not fall off as much as everyone gears up.

Soll soviel heißenwie, "In einem Single Target Kampf der 30 sek andauert ist es eher selten das die Aggro des Tanks geklaut wird,jedoch wenn bei Trash ordentlich mit AE gebombt wird und neue Adds spawnen es logisch ist,das in diesem Moment die AE Aggro dem Tank seiner überwiegt".
Ergo,es wird keinen Fix des aktuellen BPS Gain geben.

Quelle: amerk.WoW Forum

Anzahl der Beiträge : 202
Anmeldedatum : 30.07.08

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